Once the decision has been made to hold the students, we will announce in the building, "Because of the weather, please hold ALL students until we make another announcement."
Acres Green has a severe weather policy to help assure the safety of all our students and avoid congestion in the parking lot and front office that can arise due to inclement weather. RED FLAGS will be placed at the entrance on Maximus as soon as we determine that classes will be held past our 3:30pm dismissal time, if able to do so safely. We will also send a text and email to our families through the district messaging application. A decision for delayed dismissal will be made at 3:25pm.
During a lightning delay, no students or employees will be outside. If parents want to come in and pick up their child, they may go to the classroom. Each student must be signed out by a person listed on the Emergency Pick Up form the teachers have. Criteria for dismissing is no lightning for five minutes.
If your child(ren) ride a bus, they will also be held inside until the weather is safe. We will dismiss children by buses and email families the time that the bus departs from AGE.