Attendance Info

AGE Attendance Form
Attendance line - 303-387-7127
Please fill out the form or call to inform of any absence or tardy

DCSD Guidelines for Determining Student Attendance
DCSD Attendance Policy


Attendance graphic

*10% or more absent, students are considered chronically absent and at risk. adverse academic and behavioral outcomes. 

*Students who are chronically absent in the early grades are less likely to read proficiently by Grade 3.

*Students who are chronically absent in a single year between Grades 8 and 12 are seven times more likely to drop out of high school.


When can a child return to school after an illness?

After 24 hours of medication for the following conditions:

  • Strep throat
  • Infected skin eruptions
  • Other conditions requiring antibiotics 
    • Exception: If being treated for Pertussis, student must be on antibiotics for 5 days before returning to school

    • The student has been free of the following conditions for at least 24 hours:

    • Fever (without benefit of fever-reducing medication)
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the absence of other symptoms of illness

      • The student has been free of the following conditions for at least 48 hours:

        • Vomiting and/or diarrhea when accompanied by other symptoms of illness