

Welcome to Preschool!

  General Information and Registration
Tuition: $340 Mon-Thur
$170 2 days/week

Preschool Times:
AM Session (3 year olds) 8:35-11:20
PM Session (4 year olds)12:45-3:30

Preschool A Classroom#  303-387-7149 Seppi Culp - Teacher Stephanie Fittje- Special Education Classroom Assistant EA IV

Preschool B

Classroom# 303-387-7190 Rosie Huffman- Teacher Kathy Renteria - Special Education Classroom Assistant EA IV


Shared Staff: Julia Els- Occupational Therapist Terri Lobmeyer - Special Education Learning Specialist Jill Heerssen - Speech Language Pathologist Paula MacIntosh - Educational Assistant Leigh Quintana- Early Childhood Coordinator