Community Liaison

Anna Diab
Hello! My name is Anna. My job is to help you navigate the school system and feel comfortable in the community. 

Think of me as your advocate and ally. We want you to feel welcome and valued at Acres Green Elementary. 

I speak English, Español, Français, Italiano, Deutsch, Kiswahili, عربي

If I don’t speak your preferred language, don’t worry! I am very good at working through language barriers. Maybe I’ll even learn your language!


The best way to contact me is through the TalkingPoints App. Download the app and join my class with code: NV1HF6

You can also email me at: [email protected]

Call or text me at: (720) 262- 0939

Book a virtual meeting:

Community Resources


Conexión parents and families seek to be a support community, present in every school throughout the Douglas County School District. We hope to celebrate Hispanic culture and guide families so they have confidence that their children will obtain the necessary tools to eliminate barriers that could prevent them from achieving success. 

Conexión Website

English Classes for Families:

English Classes

Douglas County schools is very excited to be able to offer a second year of English Classes for Bilingual Parents.  This program is based at South Ridge Elementary school in Castle Rock.  


We will be offering 5-6 week sessions throughout the year with classes held on Monday and Wednesday from 9:30-11 a.m.  We will have 2 or 3 classes each of the two mornings.  The levels will be determined by parent need.

Registration Form English


Registration Form Spanish